The State of Cote d’Ivoire shares with UNESCO the same ideals and goals of Peace and Security, Justice and Human Rights, promotion of economic and social development and improvement of the standard of living of the Population.
So within the framework of the pursuit and the follow-up of the implementation of resolution 34C / 60 and of decision 180EX / 43 related to a global post conflict special program favoring of Côte d’Ivoire in the fields of expertise of the UNESCO, the establishment of a national Committee for the Information for All Program (UNESCO -IFAP ) in 2008 allowed to justify the decision to join strategic widespread information distribution by creating a Website interface in connection with the CIGC (Center for Information and Governmental Communication) in the logic of the program GOUV.CI allowing the delegation of Ivory Coast to open to the world due to its actions and its commitments with UNESCO but also its representative role of through the promotion of its educational foundations as well as its cultural and natural heritage.
In addition, the Permanent Delegation of Côte d'Ivoire has diplomatic relations with other member UNESCO member states in terms of multilateral relations and international delegations mutual support for initiatives and decisions of the Executive Council or the General Conference made as part of program participation, international committees and subsidiary bodies.
The Delegation of Côte d'Ivoire to UNESCO was able to obtain during the past five years, the support of 192 member countries of UNESCO concerning the application of Resolution 34C/60 and the decision on 180EX/43 the Global post conflict program brought to the State of Côte d'Ivoire in order to solve various issues identified as a result of socio political obstacles which marred the country for nearly a decade:
Based on multi sectors experts reportmandate from UNESCO, the UN System and the Government of Côte d'Ivoire have listed the problems that most affected the educational infrastructure, socio-economic and culture through
• Socio Educational destruction
• Trauma and Demotivation of Teachers
• Massive displacement of populations
• General precarious conditions of life
• The threat of Biosphere Reserves
• Development of inter-community tensions
Fortunately due to the normalization of political and social life marked by the outcome of the post-election crisis and the democratic election of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Mr. AlassaneOuattara on November 28th, 2010 encouraging signs are emerging ahead
Thus Côte d'Ivoire has engaged with UNESCO to advocate respect for and protection of international standards in its fields of competence.
Country-level assistance will be part of the integrated response of the entire United Nations system to humanitarian situations and crisis and will seek to strengthen cooperation with regional intergovernmental organizations and establish strategic partnerships with NGOs and professional associations involved in peace efforts.