On Thursday June 27, 2024, Her Excellency Mrs. Ramata Bakayoko-Ly, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Côte d'Ivoire to UNESCO, received in audience His Excellency Dr. Kassim Mohamed-Soyir Bajrafil, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of the Union of Comoros to UNESCO.
Discussions focused on the Ivorian delegation's participation in the Congress on "Handi-capacity, Sport and Work", organized by the Comoros delegation and scheduled for September 9, 2024 at UNESCO. The aim of this Congress is, among other things, to promote physical, mental or sensory exercise as a gas pedal for adapting the capacities of people with one or more functional deficits to achieve successful socio-professional and sporting integration and retention.
In addition, the two Permanent Delegates expressed their wish to enable the collaboration of specialized structures in the field of sport, in their respective countries, for people with disabilities.